The Cat and the Devil

Auteur-trice James Joyce
Illustrateur-trice Roger Blachon
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Réf. produit 2346

CHF 7.00

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Informations sur le produit "The Cat and the Devil"

A bridge over the river Loire? Of course the residents of the French town of Beaugency wanted a bridge, but how much would it cost? No money at all, said the Devil. All I ask is that the first person who crosses the bridge shall belong to me. A delightful tale based loosely on the Devil’s Bridge legend.

James Joyce wrote this story in 1936 for his grandson, Stephen James Joyce. It is one of the few children’s stories penned by the great Irish author, who lived in Zurich at various times. The story’s publication with SJW came about in an initiative led by Stephen James Joyce himself.


Âge 8, 9, 10, 11
Cycle 1er cycle, 2e cycle
Classe d'école 2e année, 3e année, 4e année, 5e année
Langue Anglais
Thèmes Chien & chat, Légendes & fables
Pages 32
ISBN 978-3-7269-0561-3
Épilogue Stephen James Joyce
Largeur (mm) 135
Hauteur (mm) 210

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