The Mouse and the Lion

Auteur-trice Aesop
Illustrateur-trice Monika Schmid
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Réf. produit 2275

CHF 7.00

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Informations sur le produit "The Mouse and the Lion"

When the lion wakes up and is about to eat the mouse, the mouse begs for mercy and proposes a deal: If the lion lets her go, she’ll come to his aid one day. The lion laughs – how could a tiny mouse ever help a mighty animal like him? But soon he is forced to change his tune.

Adapted from the fable by the Greek poet Aesop, this tale is as relevant today as it was when he wrote it down over 2,500 years ago. Short lines, simple sentence structure and generous font size make this fable very manageable for Early Readers.


Âge 6, 7, 8
Cycle 1er cycle
Classe d'école Jardin d’enfants, 1ère année, 2e année
Langue Anglais
Thèmes Légendes & fables
Pages 32
ISBN 978-3-7269-0052-6
Largeur (mm) 135
Hauteur (mm) 210

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