After the Party

Autrici/ori Lorenz Pauli
Illustratrici/ori Kathrin Schärer
Codice prodotto 2588

CHF 7.00

Info sui prodotti "After the Party"

“That was a great party! My next birthday is only 52 Sundays, 12 months, 4 seasons away. Oh! 365 days…or is that 366?” says the bear. The party is barely over, but the bear is waiting impatiently for his next birthday, along with his friend, the hedgehog. The two of them go on an imaginary journey through the concepts of time – days, months and seasons. A lively story full of humour and clever pictures.

The generous font size and short, simple sentences make “After the Party” ideal for Early Readers. It is also great fun to read aloud.

Translation from German by Simon Froehling and Anna Sophie Wendel


Dettagli del prodotto

Età 6, 7, 8
Form Softcover, brossura
Ciclo scolastico 1o ciclo
Classe Prima, Scuola materna, Seconda
Lingua Inglese
Temi Freundschaft, Lorenz Pauli & Kathrin Schärer, Stagioni
Pagine 36
ISBN 978-3-7269-0139-4
Larghezza (mm) 135
Altezza (mm) 210

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