Visible invisible

Illustratrici/ori Julia Dürr
Disponibile anche su Französisch, Deutsch
Codice prodotto 2635

CHF 7.00

Disponibile, tempi di consegna: 2-5 Tage

Info sui prodotti "Visible invisible"

Alina and Conrad are woken by a loud bang. A plastic bottle has exploded in the kitchen! Yesterday, the kids had put some yeast in that bottle. How can a little piece of yeast make a bottle blow up?

This graphic novel conveys the science of yeast and microorganisms in an entertaining way. Factual explanations alternate with the story of the two children. Drawings, photographs and microscope images make it easy for children to understand the chemical processes involved.

Translation from German by Rachel McNicholl

Dettagli del prodotto

Età 9, 10, 11, 12
Ciclo scolastico 2o ciclo
Classe Terza, Quarta classe, Quinta classe, Sesta classe
Lingua Inglese
Temi Esperimenti
Pagine 60
ISBN 978-3-7269-0215-5
Larghezza (mm) 135
Altezza (mm) 210

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